
While our team is available and happy to answer any questions you might have, we appreciate that sometimes it’s faster simply to find the answer yourself. That’s why we’ve created this frequently asked questions page – so that all the most commonly asked questions about Encompass Protection can be found in one central place.

If you’re a registered Encompass Protection adviser, you can contact your dedicated NEOS service consultant for support with Encompass Protection administration or commission enquiries.

If you’re not a registered Encompass Protection adviser, simply complete our ‘register your interest’ form available here.

 Alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales team directly on:

Phone: 1300 576 049


Tags: Commissions | Adviser services

We may pay your financial adviser a commission. Any amount paid is factored into the cost of your policy. Your financial adviser will provide you with a Financial Services Guide and where applicable, a Statement of Advice, which will detail the benefits they receive for selling you your policy.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Commissions