
While our team is available and happy to answer any questions you might have, we appreciate that sometimes it’s faster simply to find the answer yourself. That’s why we’ve created this frequently asked questions page – so that all the most commonly asked questions about Encompass Protection can be found in one central place.

We appreciate that when your client needs to make a claim, they’re often experiencing a period of uncertainty and financial vulnerability. That’s why our claims process is responsive and straightforward.

Importantly, we also understand and value the role of the adviser during claims time. Further information about our claims process is available here.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims

If you’ve made a claim, you can generally access all the information we hold about you, except for certain instances, as per privacy legislation, where we need to provide information directly to your doctor (instead of you).

Simply call us on 1300 476 030 or email us at and we’ll organise to send you a copy of your claims file.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims

If you’re concerned about the way your claim is progressing, or disagree with our response to your claim, please talk to your Encompass Protection claims consultant first. If they can’t resolve your issue, you can have the issue reviewed by our claims manager or Claims Review Committee.

Should you remain unhappy after our internal review, you can have an external body like an ombudsman or a regulator try to resolve the issue. We’ll provide you with information about the options available and how you can contact the relevant organisation.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims

If you’re legally competent to apply for a claim and your claim is approved, all benefits will be paid to you or your legal personal representative. If you’re judged not legally competent, we’ll pay the benefits to whomever we’re legally permitted to make payments. If your claim is approved, all benefits will be paid to you or your legal representative.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims

Yes, it’s important to continue paying your premiums while your claim is being assessed to ensure your cover isn’t cancelled.

Tags: Claims | About Encompass Protection

We promise to let you know the outcome of your claim as soon as possible. But assessing your claim may, in some instances, depend on circumstances that are outside of our control.

Some claims are simple, but others are more involved and depend on how promptly we’re able to obtain information from you and from any relevant doctors or other third parties.

When providing details about your claim to us, it’s best that you provide as much detail and clarity as you can. This will help us get back to you as soon as possible.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims

We’re here, along with your financial adviser, to support you through the claims process. If you need to make a claim, we’re here to support you with personalised and compassionate attention every step of the way.

We’ll do our very best to make the process easy, and once claim conditions are met, get you paid as quickly as possible.

Get started with a claim by contacting us on 1300 476 030 or as soon as you know you need to make a claim and we’ll get things moving. Our phone lines are open 8.00am to 6.00pm (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Claims