We’ll make every effort to try and resolve your complaint as quickly and as fairly as possible.

If you have a concern or complaint, please contact us in the first instance via the details below. We’ll endeavour to manage this to your satisfaction without undue delay. We’ll make sure we call you within two days of receipt of your complaint.

Call us: 1300 476 030

Email us: customer@encompassprotect.com.au

If we can’t resolve your complaint quickly, we’ll formally record the details, with your assistance, to ensure that it’s correctly understood and progressed through the appropriate channels. This may involve external parties such as the insurer and your financial adviser.

Our complaints manager will work closely with you to resolve your complaint and keep you updated along the way. Please note that while the law allows insurance companies up to 45 days to respond to complaints (90 days for super complaints), we’ll always endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.

Tags: About Encompass Protection | Complaints